The text is taken from the website of Eat-Eye:
‘Eat-Eye’ (Itay Ram) is an israeli street artist and animator, based in Tel-Aviv, tells about himself that he is inspired by mystical and spiritual experiences, infused with the beauty and complexity of nature, and at the same time the mystery and horror of death. His art combines symbols from ancient cultures, tribal period and mythological creatures.
‘Eat-Eye’ experience is a visual projection of a personal journey through out the mind and soul. Every piece gives the observer a short glimpse into the artist’s emotional world.
Exploring the art field, Itay skipped on formal art education, and was most influenced by body and street art. He creates a visual representation of the moment, that can be interpreted in different ways according to the viewer perception. It leaves the viewer with something to think of, mixed feelings and thoughts about life and existence.
Every art expression has a unique flow that evolve throughout the piece in an unexpected way into its own unique weirdness.
There is no exact definition to what you see, use your personal imagination, capture your own reality of timeless being between death and life.