This post puts Hackescher Markt at the center, however further down you will learn about two really intriguing street art centers only a short strolling distance away: the A FENCE exhibition at Alexanderplatz and, nearby, close by, a private neighborhood with a ton of street art on the buildings… so come on, let’s go.

Hackesher Markt is one of Berlin's most famous attractions since it gives an intriguing compositional mix of art (street art, galleries and design stores), designer stores and amusement destinations (bars, eateries, bistros and street cuisine).
The structure is based on internal yards of several buildings, consolidated in a novel labyrinth with an atmosphere held uniquely to Berlin.
Inside the perplexing patio engineering are Haus Schwarzenberg and Neurotitan Gallery, the two of which merit a visit. The central courtyard on transit is altogether covered by the works of hundreds of international street artist working freely with an assortment of methods (during my present visit, I saw a piece by PILPELED, last time it was DEDE, both Israeli street artists). The artworks all through the yard change constantly and you may not really see the art in this post since they were replaced with new ones – the courtyard is truly evolving. The accompanying photographs were taken in Heckescher Markt's main courtyard and, obviously, there are numerous others that don't show up in the post.

A 360 video at the Hackeshr Markt main courtyard and the Haus Schwarzenberg Berlin flight of stairs at the edge of the yard. The flight of stairs on every one of the floors is covered with graffiti and the climbing the steps accompanies a charming claustrophobic inclination.
The Neurotitan Gallery shop is situated in the Haus Schwarzenberg building – it is a book shop committed to visual communication, comics and graphic design and it is additionally the exhibition's executive arm: artisit from around the globe showcase their specialty here, offering a unique, one-of-a-kind experience of their art specialty in restricted versions.
The shop is an extraordinary spot of anybody inspired by the courtyard’s street art, searching for data about different facilities and about the gallery.

Inside the yard filled with street art is the Anne Frank Center with a painting of her at the entry. You ought to likewise go for a walk around the square of the market yards. It offers numerous neighborhood shops, cafés, gallaeries, stores and, obviously, significantly more road c street art.

Finished with Hackeshr Market?
Hungry? We should get something to eat before we continue.
There are numerous restaurants and bistros to browse nearby. I recommend that you stock up at Lindner, a bread shop, cookery – whatever you call it –you will ou will find a wide assortment of rich and new choices. Lindner address: Esskultur, Rosenthaler Str. 33

Need to see more street art nearby?
There are two additional areas close by with a ton of graffiti and street art
Heading to Alexanderplatz
Assuming you are proceeding with me, put Alexanderplatz in Google Maps and, on your way, you will see a lot of graffiti and street art on the primary street or side roads – whichever you like… You should begin strolling along the walls of the train leaving from Hackeshr Market to Alexanderplatz.

A FENCE Exhibition
In Alexanderplatz?
You should realize that a special venture, A – FENCE,, started in Alexanderplatz in 2019. Consistently, 20 new artists are chosen to show their craft at Berlin's central square.
The street art is shown on a metal fence fabricated uncommonly for the exhibition and each piece is joined by a portrayal of the artisit and their work. The current display started in July 2021 and I took a few photos here:

Do you still have energy? Need more? Investigate and analyze the accompanying pictures and conclude whether you need to see them for yourself… If you choose to proceed to see more street art, put Schillingstraße in Google Maps.
It is a family neighborhood with loads of schools and, consistent with the area, the art is designed for kids.

The following structure, covered with street art on each of the 4 sides, is at Friedrichshain – Weydemeyer 18a and in the event that you're not strolling there, the closest station is U Schillingstraße.

This post is part of a series on street art in Berlin.
Following are the posts in the series: